We are not only providing a place for you, but also the supports that you need to start up a business. We understand how difficult to start up a business is, that’s why we fully equipped with all the facilities you need for success.
Our co-work space offers you dynamic memberships including part time and full time hot desks, work stations and private offices with flexible contract period for your convenience.
As a considerable serviced office, your needs and convenient is always a priority for us.
A high speed internet with printing and scanning service.
A business address with post box service.
A little tea-break with free coffee & tea.
A successful presentation with our meeting room.
A storage area with locker using.
Also, a comfortable working area with collaborate community. We offer you an affordable price for your starting up, so don’t hesitate, call us today! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
我們,為你提供的不僅僅是一個舒適的工作環境,還有你在創業路上所需要的支持。 我們明白”萬事起頭難”的道理,因此,我們為你的成功做好了萬分準備。 我們的co-work space有多元化的會藉套餐、彈性的租約制度任君選擇,包括共用空間的彈性工作枱[全職或兼職]、 固定工作間及私人辦公室。 作為一間專業的服務式辦公室,我們總是以你的便利和需要為先。 高速的網絡配套,備有文件影印及掃描服務,提供商業地址及收件服務,免費茶水咖啡供你享用,會議室租用服務,儲物櫃借用服務。 還有,一個舒適的工作環境,以及一群並肩作戰的企業家。 THE COFFEE HOUSE COWORK SPACE 以合理價支持你打開”創業之路”! 這里,就是最好的起步點。 因此,不要猶豫,請即致電我們! 期待你的加入,讓我們的空間更溫暖!
Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
- Fixed Desk, Private Office, Relax and Comfortable Co-Working Space
- Multi-culture Collaborate Community, Printing and Scanning Service, Drinking Station