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Natalia Setio

Take a Break and Have Mooncakes in this Wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival! 停一停,抖一抖-中秋同樂慶團圓!

一年容易又中秋。俗語有云,有緣千里能相會,在這個人月兩團圓的日子, 又怎能只顧埋頭工作,而忘了舉頭望明月呢?

我們 THE COFFEE HOUSE COWORK SPACE坐落於香港仔,成員卻不只有”香港仔”~ 這個來自五湖四海、擁有不同文化背景的大家庭就趁著中秋佳節來了一場溫韾的小派對~

成員們除了嚐月餅,吃水果,嘆咖啡,抖一抖外, 還會互相關心,閒話家常,談天說地,就像一個歡樂的大家庭一樣 笑聲不絕,打成一片! 中秋節,是中國傳統節日 我們的HOST Ben還跟各位外藉成員分享了中秋節有趣的由來和故事 成員們樂在其中,聽得津津帶味!

在這里,你會感受到茫茫人海中相識是一種緣份; 在這里,你會明白創業路上不只競爭,更多的是支持。 在這里,你會知道什麼是識英雄重英雄。

因為,THE COFFEE HOUSE COWORK SPACE是本著相互尊重、信任和支持的宗旨出發! 在這個社區工作,你不會感到孤單; 成員雖然來自不同的文化背景,卻同樣為著理想共同奮鬥。


Time flies and it’s time for mid-autumn celebrating again! There is an Chinese idiom said, “Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be.” There is no way for only head down and work hard but not take a break and look up for the bright moon in this meaningful festival which aims for gathering 🙂

The Coffee House Cowork space is located in Aberdeen. A big big family which gathers members who come from different countries with different cultures. We had a happy mid-autumn festival gathering to celebrate our friendships !

Our members took a little break to have mooncakes,fruits and cups of Specialty Coffee. Slow down and relax, enjoying the precious moment to chat with each others. Enjoying the food. Sharing the joy and Chatting with care. Our Host Ben also told the story about mid-autumn festival to foreign members which interested them a lot 🙂 Our co-work space is always full of love and care!

At the Coffee House, you will know how amazing the fate is : to link up people and build up friendship. At the Coffee House, you will understand that there is not only competition in the road of starting up a business, but also tons of supports. It is because, the Coffee House Co-work is a place to work with mutual respect, trust and support as a family.

Come and join us: ) Wish you be there in our next gathering! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone !

Share the happy moment together!

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